I've explained to some people that as a massive snowflake, I tend to kind of go against the curve. I enjoy growing my hair out a little longer and I still listen to obscure post-hardcore bands from 2013... what this means in tacticool gear talk is that I absolutely despise running placards such as the D3CR-M and Microfight MK4 chassis on my plate carriers. These placards never feel secure enough on the front velcro panel and feel like they'll fly off my plate carrier if I do as much as sneeze, especially with the JPC 2.0 cummerbunds. So the Crye JPC 2.0 cummerbund has lift handles incorporated onto them for easier don-off of the plate carrier. Great idea in principle, but in practice with placards, the extra cordura on the handles kind of obstruct precious loop side velcro real estate for placards resulting in insecure fitment of placards.
When we consider the Crye JPC 1.0, it has the distinct advantage against the 2.0 of lacking these handles, thus creating more velcro room for the placards. So +1 there. However, this is also if you consider the fact that you have to remove the front kangaroo flap to have access to this loop side velcro.
The Solution:
Enter the solution to the above problems, Paul from @longship_designs did this modification for the JPC 1.0, and holy fuck, he did a wonderful job. So let's talk about @longship_designs on Instagram. He's a CURRENT Green Beret who does custom gear and modification works, including and not limited to, custom frag grenade pouches, modification of Paraclete back panels to make them compatible with Crye rigs (big money here), chest rig JTAC adapters to run your ATAK compatible phones with juggernaut/kagwerks cases, etc. He basically uses a lot of his experience overseas and creates solutions for a very reasonable price. However, now material supply is fairly limited, so he won't be taking work until March.
So onto this carrier... the original owner of the JPC, whom I actually know, took the original kangaroo flap off this JPC but never really did anything more to make incorporation of AVS front flaps seamless. Literally, just throw the damn flap atop where the kangaroo flap used to sit. So my good friend, MythicUSA took the initiative to send this carrier off to Longship to have the AVS/JPC 2.0 webbing row to make this integration seamless. Simple mod, but a game changer for those who wish to stick with their 1.0s but desire more front flap options. Wonderful! Now I can run whatever AVS flaps I want on this JPC, and I do have a custom NJPC flap currently in the works by my friends from across the pond.
Now for you placard users, we still have to overcome the issue of attaching the the swift clips onto the carrier. So unlike the 2.0, the 1.0 is devoid of the vertical loop required to install your QASM buckles, however AXL advanced answered this call with their JPC QASM buckle adapters. But a lot of you already know, I'm a massive bitch and hate placards, so I sent the AXL adapter off to Ryan to use with his JPC since he actually runs a Micro Fight Chassis.
What's the point of all of this? This sounds like a madman gearslut rambling. The point of this write-up is to show how you can retrofit a carrier like the JPC 1.0 for more relevant usage today. It's been done to death from the GMR cummerbund mod (blegh) to people putting on YKK zippers on the JPC 1.0's rear platebag to take Crye Zip-On Panels. Truth be told, I hated the JPC 1.0 for the longest since I've owned multiple and never truly felt satisifed with any of them, however I learned a lot over the years about having correctly sized platebags and cummerbund adjust to say that the JPC 1.0, if sized and scaled correctly, is one goddamn comfee carrier. Initially I had buyer's remorse for trading out my LV MBAV for this, but now I truly see the value in having a rig such as this. It's light, it's simple, it has just enough of what I need a carrier to do and isn't overkill. I have the option to slightly scale up if I wish to with this carrier as well!